Chef School • Team Building • Culinary Theatre • Training • Brand Activation Product Launches • Consulting • Interactive Catering • Book Clubs • Hens Parties Interactive Catering • Weddings • Patisserie

cook better • eat better • live better  

Interactively teaching the art & science of cooking for the Global Kitchen

Interactive Hands-On Lifestyle Evening Cooking Classes

Knifeskills & Basic Sauces • Beef & Lamb • Bread Making & Dips • Fish & Shellfish • Thai Cuisine • Moroccan Cuisine • Pasta Making Italian • Sushi •  Desserts • Vietnamese Cuisine • Portuguese Cuisine • Italian Cooking (non pasta) • Indian Cuisine • Chinese Cuisine • Mexican • French Cuisine

We deliver world-class qualifications

as a SACHEF (SA Culinary and Hospitality Educators Forum) recognised Training Provider, internationally accredited with Highfield and City & Guilds of London as well as with the DHET QCTO. All our staff are all fully qualified, industry experienced, and Cathsseta-accredited Moderators, Facilitators and Assessors.

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